Taketina in Can Benet Barcelona

TaKeTiNa Summer Retreat in Barcelona (EN)

July 15th – 18th in Can Benet, Barcelona

Feel the rhythmic flow – TaKeTiNa in Barcelona!

4-days workshop in Can Benet Retreat Center 

Leaders: Reinhard Flatischler & Anna-Maria Flatischler 


The 4-day TaKeTiNa workshop with Reinhard and Anna Flatischler leads participants through TaKeTiNa rhythm journeys into flow, mindfulness and timelessness. The combination of drum rhythms, gentle movements with the body and meditative phases invites you to step out of thinking and surrender to the joy of life and relaxation.

◉ This workshop takes place in Englisch with translation into Spanish.  


Everything is one, every cell of the body is calmed and invigorated at the same time – a state that can be achieved when the body moves effortlessly in several rhythms at once. TaKeTiNa takes you to the deepest layers of the human being. With voice and gentle but powerful dance movements, you will be guided into the rhythmic flow and experience its mind-expanding power.


This is what others say about TaKeTiNa Workshops: “It was a very special experience that really enriched me. Letting go and just doing – feeling the rhythm – being in the music. Wonderful! Thank you so much!!!” “The TaKeTiNa rhythm meditations enable a very deep perception of one’s own being and being connected. An inner space of absolute silence, vastness and timelessness opened up – a wonderful feeling that can hardly be described in words.” “TaKeTiNa challenged my feeling and thinking about rhythm, pushed me to my limits and sometimes even beyond. A great learning opportunity and a unique experience.”


Can Benet Vives is a campus dedicated to psychological and spiritual growth. It was created to offer you activities aimed at the harmonious and complete development of the human being in an intimate and respectful space suitable to have deep experiences. The Campus Can Benet Vives is located in the heart of the Montnegre Natural Park, 50 km from the city of Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain). The facilities are located in the midst of oak, pine, chestnut and strawberry tree forests at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level, near the Romanesque hermitage of Hortsavinyà.
Can Benet Vives


These tickets are available:

We ask you to book in time, because there is only a limited number of tickets.

Early Bird until April 1st:
495 € Workshop + accommodation / food for 3 nights (regular: 570 €)
550 € Workshop + accommodation / food for 4 nights (regular 625 €)
605 € Workshop + accommodation / food for 5 nights (regular 680 €)

There are 3 meals included per day: 9am, 2pm and 9pm. You can choose between vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. Accommodation is in shared rooms. If you prefer a single room, please send a request to Can Benet in advance if this option is still available. In this case, an additional fee of 20 € per night will be charged.  



Please register by phone or by mail to Can Benet: email: info@etnopsico.org phone: (+34) 93 769 19 36
Can Benet Website: https://canbenetvives.org/en

Beginning: Monday, July 15th at 11am
End: Thursday, July 18th at 4pm
Daily schedule: 11 to 13.30 & 17 to 20.00


15 - 18 Jul 2024


11:00 - 14:00

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