“Reinhard Flatischler is not only an incredible educator and healer — he is also a great musician and a spiritual leader. I am honoured to be part of his work.”
Airto Moreira
Collaboration with Miles Davis, Chick Corea
“We took a rehearsal together and within a few minutes I was hooked on TaKeTiNa as well as Reinhard’s infectious energy, passion and genuine love for his art. The TaKeTiNa method is compellingly simple, meaning everybody from any walk of life can join, yet, it has the most sophisticated effect on peoples’ ability to walk, sing, clap or play rhythms.
I conduct large choirs and orchestras regularly and have never found a better way to communicate the pulse of the music and its rhythm other than during the inspiring rehearsals with Reinhard. Whether we did the Mozart Requiem or Orff’s Carmina Burana I have never experienced my choirs to have more fun with the music and sing better in time.
One of the most enriching experiences for any classical musician at any level. Thank you Reinhard. Thank you TaKeTiNa. Happy Birthday.”
Uwe Grodd
Conductor, Flutist, Professor Emeritus
University of Auckland, New Zealand

“We took a rehearsal together and within a few minutes I was hooked on TaKeTiNa as well as Reinhard’s infectious energy, passion and genuine love for his art. The TaKeTiNa method is compellingly simple, meaning everybody from any walk of life can join, yet, it has the most sophisticated effect on peoples’ ability to walk, sing, clap or play rhythms.
I conduct large choirs and orchestras regularly and have never found a better way to communicate the pulse of the music and its rhythm other than during the inspiring rehearsals with Reinhard. Whether we did the Mozart Requiem or Orff’s Carmina Burana I have never experienced my choirs to have more fun with the music and sing better in time.
One of the most enriching experiences for any classical musician at any level. Thank you Reinhard. Thank you TaKeTiNa. Happy Birthday.”
Uwe Grodd
Conductor, Flutist, Professor Emeritus
University of Auckland, New Zealand

“I have found TaKeTiNa and Reinhard’s musical genius to be liberating. Experiencing extended flow states, and the bliss of the raw presence that his work evokes, is very special. It should be experienced by everyone.”
Mark Divine
Ex-NavySeal commander,
Founder of Sealfit, Kokoro-Yoga and Unbeatable Mind
Coach, | Best Selling Author
“If old Kant had only known TaKeTiNa®…
… then the brave old philosopher might have been saved many a night’s work and might possibly have never written his “Critique of Pure Reason”. Instead of incessantly reflecting on how to solve the many problems we humans keep on causing with our limited understanding, dear old Immanuel might have seen from TaKeTiNa® that it can sometimes be more helpful to give up conscious control instead of trying to increase it.
But old Kant would probably have begun to despair during the first exercises. Thus, not much would have been won by him simply knowing about TaKeTiNa®. He would have had needed you, dear Reinhard and Cornelia, or one of the other competent teachers of this art – someone who would have been able to invite him, to encourage him and to inspire him to make the wonderful experience that life can only succeed when our controlling mind – at least sometimes – “gives up” and simply surrenders to what is in us as well as what is going on with us and around us.”
Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther

“If old Kant had only known TaKeTiNa®…
… then the brave old philosopher might have been saved many a night’s work and might possibly have never written his “Critique of Pure Reason”. Instead of incessantly reflecting on how to solve the many problems we humans keep on causing with our limited understanding, dear old Immanuel might have seen from TaKeTiNa® that it can sometimes be more helpful to give up conscious control instead of trying to increase it.
But old Kant would probably have begun to despair during the first exercises. Thus, not much would have been won by him simply knowing about TaKeTiNa®. He would have had needed you, dear Reinhard and Cornelia, or one of the other competent teachers of this art – someone who would have been able to invite him, to encourage him and to inspire him to make the wonderful experience that life can only succeed when our controlling mind – at least sometimes – “gives up” and simply surrenders to what is in us as well as what is going on with us and around us.”
Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther

“Since more than twenty years, TaKeTiNa is a valuable contribution in our curriculum and is appreciated by students and professors alike. Participants benefit equally through the profound ability in rhythmic orientation and with the deep nervous relaxation that comes with TaKeTiNa. I wish TaKeTiNa on behalf of the while music university all the best to its 50th anniversary. My special thanks goes to Reinhard Flatischler and this team for the marvelous work he is doing in these courses.”
Mag. Art. Ulrike Sych
Principal of the University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna
“TaKeTiNa starts with a gentle gong and ends with an intense drum beat for the soul. TaKeTiNa is powerful. It is a method that triggers systemic processes, a method that enables teams to experience themselves as teams and allows them to obtain new impulses for organisational action under the aspects of “experiencing limits” and “transcending limits.”
Lutz Engelke
Exhibition organiser and stage designer
CEO, Triad Berlin

“TaKeTiNa starts with a gentle gong and ends with an intense drum beat for the soul. TaKeTiNa is powerful. It is a method that triggers systemic processes, a method that enables teams to experience themselves as teams and allows them to obtain new impulses for organisational action under the aspects of “experiencing limits” and “transcending limits.”
Lutz Engelke
Exhibition organiser and stage designer
CEO, Triad Berlin

“On one hand, TaKeTiNa for me is the pure joy to be in rhythm, on the other hand it is applied psychotherapy. The participant is the therapist and instead of going through work-intensive therapy sessions he is playing music together with others while he gradually becomes aware of the solutions. On a physical realm I can recognize how TaKeTiNa leads to deep relaxation, good digestion and sleep through the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system.
In a gentle, unobtrusive way TaKeTina addresses many layers and needs of human existence and many times the fruits of the work only dawn after weeks or even month. With this TaKeTiNa for me is also a spiritual path for human evolution leading to more depth, connectivity and ultimately love with one self and others.”
Dr. med. Ali Behzad
Specialist in internal medicine,
TaKeTiNa Rhythm Teacher
“TaKeTiNa provides joyful and exciting access to rhythm for musician, dancers, and music therapists alike. With TaKeTiNa, complex rhythms become really simple!”
Prof. Angelika Hauser
Institute for Physical Education and Music Therapy,
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

“TaKeTiNa provides joyful and exciting access to rhythm for musician, dancers, and music therapists alike. With TaKeTiNa, complex rhythms become really simple!”
Prof. Angelika Hauser
Institute for Physical Education and Music Therapy,
University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna

“TaKeTiNa definitely provides healing, especially for people suffering from psychosomatic illnesses. In the pain therapy project held in Göppingen, Germany, TaKeTiNa helped our patients greatly. It enabled them to reduce their pain medication and improved their methods of dealing with pain.”
Dr. Gerhard Müller-Schwefe
Chairman, German Pain Association (DGS)
“We find TaKeTiNa to be powerful, playful, earthy, and yet transcendent – very inspiring!”
Deva Premal & Miten
Spiritual singers and songwriters

“We find TaKeTiNa to be powerful, playful, earthy, and yet transcendent – very inspiring!”
Deva Premal & Miten
Spiritual singers and songwriters

“Reinhard Flatischler warmly invites you to travel with him on a journey to find and experiment with our inherent, deep inner rhythms. TaKeTiNa can bring very different people together whether they have a sense of rhythm or not as it’s a method for connecting with their energies to release the fire within.”
Simone Angress-Pletsch
Bundesagentur für Arbeit
“The TaKeTiNa process helps us to understand complex systems and their dynamics in a creative way. It provides an efficient foundation for managing the important questions of our time.”
Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik
Malik Management Zentrum, St. Gallen

“The TaKeTiNa process helps us to understand complex systems and their dynamics in a creative way. It provides an efficient foundation for managing the important questions of our time.”
Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik
Malik Management Zentrum, St. Gallen

“TaKeTiNa is a work of art and its creator Reinhard Flatischler is a unique artist. Those with eyes and minds that are open enough to experience what TaKeTiNa can do recognise that TaKeTiNa is the result of a creative innovation process that in itself is the actual work of art.”
Prof. Dr. Ralph Spintge
Chairman of the International Society for Music in Medicine
“TaKeTiNa is a work of art and its creator Reinhard Flatischler is a unique artist. Those with eyes and minds that are open enough to experience what TaKeTiNa can do recognise that TaKeTiNa is the result of a creative innovation process that in itself is the actual work of art.”
Dr. Michael A. Überall
Director Institute for Neurological Science, Nuremberg

“TaKeTiNa is a work of art and its creator Reinhard Flatischler is a unique artist. Those with eyes and minds that are open enough to experience what TaKeTiNa can do recognise that TaKeTiNa is the result of a creative innovation process that in itself is the actual work of art.”
Dr. Michael A. Überall
Director Institute for Neurological Science, Nuremberg

“Describing TaKeTiNa is almost impossible, you have to experience TaKeTiNa! I thought I understood TaKeTiNa when you explained it to me. But experiencing TaKeTiNa with you in a workshop was another dimension.
In my professional life as well as privately as a passionate hobby athlete, TaKeTiNa brings structure and security into the chaos of everyday life. Thank you for this, dear Reinhard!”
Michael Sander
CEO proALPHA Austria
“The Taketina process has enriched my life very much. The joy of playing is combined with a quick feeling of success. TaKeTiNa is a fascinating method based on an enormous life experience.
Reinhard Flatischler has manifested his awesome capabilities as composer, pedagogue, entrepreneur and organizer through amazing stage productions around the globe.”
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Rolf Verres
Director Emeritus,
Institute for Medical Psychology, Heidelberg University

“The Taketina process has enriched my life very much. The joy of playing is combined with a quick feeling of success. TaKeTiNa is a fascinating method based on an enormous life experience.
Reinhard Flatischler has manifested his awesome capabilities as composer, pedagogue, entrepreneur and organizer through amazing stage productions around the globe.”
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Rolf Verres
Director Emeritus,
Institute for Medical Psychology, Heidelberg University

“TaKeTiNa is able to generate repeatedly and predictably ideal states for the nervous system and for the body’s many biorhythms – this has been proven by the research studies I am involved in as a physician.”
Dr. Klaus-Felix Laczika
Department of Internal Medicine,
University of Vienna Medical School, Austria
Tupac Mantilla
Percussionist, TaKeTiNa Teacher
Tania Bosak
TaKeTiNa Teacher, Musician
Frank Rihm
TaKeTiNa Teacher, Therapist