Taketina Sommer Retreat Salzburg

SUMMER RETREAT– TaKeTiNa at Kranzbichlhof

with Reinhard and Anna-Maria Flatischler
August 5th to 8th, 2024


Are you ready for a short vacation combined with TaKeTiNa? Do you long for some time for yourself amidst beautiful nature and community?

Benefit from the positive effects of TaKeTiNa:
– Deep relaxation and restful sleep by stimulating the vagus nerve
– Joy of life, energy, and physical balance
– Natural flow of creativity and intuition
– Improvement of your sense of rhythm

The popular “TaKeTiNa Summer Retreat” takes place for the second time in a special power spot, the Kranzbichlhof – near Salzburg, on the border with Berchtesgaden, surrounded by a stunning mountain panorama. This place offers an environment where you can fully focus on rhythmic processes.

Reinhard and Anna-Maria Flatischler will lead together for 4 days, offering all that TaKeTiNa can provide: Silence and vitality, creativity and new visions, as well as physical balance, flexibility, and the state of being completely carried by rhythm. The Summer Retreat is an opportunity to recharge for the rest of the year.


TaKeTiNa is a combination of rhythmic meditation, musical creativity, and self-experience. With rhythm, we can immerse ourselves in the here and now, experiencing relaxation, vitality, connectedness, and deep joy.

TaKeTiNa workshops create space for things we often set aside in everyday life. We often don’t give ourselves enough time to delve deeper into a process with ourselves and find answers to questions that have occupied us for a long time. We direct our senses outward, seeking solutions there. However, this is not achievable through the mind alone; it requires a broader network of feeling, listening, moving, and inner visualization. From this, creativity, intuition, and inner silence arise naturally.

TaKeTiNa guides you to the deeper layers of human existence. With the simultaneity of various rhythmic movements built up with steps, claps, and voice, you are led into a rhythmic flow and experience its consciousness-expanding power. Every cell is calmed and invigorated at the same time – a state that can be achieved when the body effortlessly moves in several rhythms simultaneously.



Course: 450 EUR


Accommodation and Food: from 411 EUR



– 3 nights in a comfortable room
– With a comprehensive breakfast buffet including organic hotel coffee
– 2-course lunch and 3-course dinner
– Water in the seminar room
– Daily TaKeTiNa sessions
– Use of sauna, relaxation area, and power park with natural swimming pond

Individual massages and cosmetic treatments are also available for booking.



05 - 08 Aug 2024


16:00 - 14:00

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  1. Hi, I’m interested in maybe attending this workshop. Is it fine for people who don’t know the method to attend? Also is it in English?


    • Hi Jacob, unfortunately the workshop is already fully booked. We will soon publish more events, also some in English. You can also write us an email to office@taketina.com in order to receive more information. We’d be happy to meet you somewhere. Best, Anna and Reinhard


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